Data Logging Abbreviations on the SR-24LE

Read this article to learn how to interpret data abbreviations on the SR-24LE utility locating receiver.

Main Menu Header  String Identifier SeekTech Grouping Identifier Data Abbreviation Description
SIG $SEEKT SIG FREQ The signal frequency (Hz) of the SR‑24LE.
BMAG The magnitude of the signal received by the Lower Antenna in the range of -215 to 215-1. Clipping may be occurring when the magnitude value is unstable.
BAZ The azimuth angle (degrees) of the signal received by the Lower Antenna.
BEL The elevation angle (degrees) of the signal received by the Lower
TMAG The magnitude of the signal received by the Upper Antenna in
the range of -215 to 215-1. Clipping may be occurring when the
magnitude value is unstable.
TAZ The azimuth angle (degrees) of the signal received by the Upper
TEL The elevation angle (degrees) of the signal received by the Upper
GRAD The gradient value from -32768 to 32767.
DEPCM The depth of the target line in centimeters (cm).
DEPIN The depth of the target line in inches (in).
CUR The Current Measurement in miliamps (mA) detected by the
Main Menu Header  String Identifier SeekTech Grouping Identifier Data Abbreviation Description
LCD $SEEKT LCD DSIG The magnitude of the signal received by the SR‑24LE.
PROX The number representing the nearness of the target line to the SR‑24LE.
GRAD The gradient offset in pixels.
FUZ The value determining the fuzziness of the line being displayed.
DEP The depth for the target line in millimeters (mm).
COA The current (mA) or the angle of the signal received by the SR‑24LE.
FREQ The current frequency filter and the type of frequency: narrow
band or broadband.
TRAC The locating mode (Sonde, Active Line Trace, Passive Power, or Passive Radio Frequency).
BAT The level of battery remaining in levels (0-7).
LCOR The line coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) in pixels. Sonde pole coordinates (Sx, Sy). Each coordinate is separated by a semicolon.
SYS The different system display states (Attenuator, Clipping, Polar Angle/Current, Backlight on/off, Feet/Meters, GPS Lock Status, or Line/Current Suppression based on Depth).
Bit(s) Description
0 Attenuator State (0=Off, 1=On)
1 ADC Clipping Status (0=Not Clipping, 1=Clipping)
2 Polar Angle or Current Value in COA (0=Polar,
3 Backlight States (0=Off, 1=On)
4 Feet/Meter State (0=Feet, 1=Meter)
5 GPS Lock Status (0=No Lock, 1=Lock)
6 Whether to show Polar Angle or Current (0=Don’t
Show, 1=Show)
7-8 Sonde Zoom Mode (0=No Zoom, 1=Zoom1,
GPSE The estimated GPS position error in meters (m).
Main Menu Header  String Identifier SeekTech Grouping Identifier Data Abbreviation Description
GPS $GP None GGA NMEA: Global Positioning System Fix Data
GLL NMEA: Geographical Position, latitude/longitudethe range of -215 to 215-1. Clipping may be occurring when the magnitude value is unstable.
GSV NMEA: GPS Satellites in ViewAntenna.
GSA NMEA: GPS DOP and Active Satellites
VTG NMEA: Track Made Good and Ground Speed
ZDA NMEA: Date and Time
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