While attempting to update my CS1000 from the USB drive, I got a “Copy Error” message. What does this mean? The most common cause of this issue is a full disk on your CS1000. Verify that the system [...]
My CS1000 is having trouble copying jobs onto a USB drive. Why am I getting missing or incomplete data? The most common and reoccurring cause of corrupt data is due to improper shutdowns of the [...]
I have an older Count IR and when I press the two outer buttons to get to the Menu, I get a frozen/distorted video effect. What is happening? The Count IR is not fully compatible with the CS1000, as it was designed to work with the [...]
I can see the Count information when during my inspection, but when I transfer/export my report, the Count information seems to be missing. Where is it? The Count information coming directly from the camera system is there as a reference duri [...]
I have been instructed by a SeeSnake technician to remove or replace the memory card in the CS1000, how is that done? When purchasing a new memory card for the CS1000, make sure it is an SD card in the SDHC [...]