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CountPlus Text Slides

Read this article to learn how to create, edit, and switch between text slides on the CountPlus distance measuring device for the RIDGID® SeeSnake® Standard and Mini camera reels.

The CountPlus can create custom text slides to display on the SeeSnake monitor screen. This is useful for showing information such as the customer’s address.

Creating a Text Slide

  1. Press the Down Arrow key.
  2. Select New Slide from the list of slides that appears.
  3.  Enter a title for the slide using the Arrow keys and the Zero/Select key.
  4. Press the Down Arrow key and position the cursor where you want text to appear.
  5.  Press the Text key to toggle the text entry screen. Press it again if you want to return to the slide layout screen.
  6.  Enter text using the Arrow keys and the Zero/Select key.
  7.  Press the Menu key to save the slide and exit the screen.
Creating a text slide in the CountPlus

Switching Text Slides

 To switch between saved text slides, press the Left/Right Arrow keys.

 Alternatively, press the Down Arrow key to display a list of available slides. Select the name of the slide you want to use.

Editing Text Slides

  1.  Use the Left/Right Arrow keys to switch between saved text slides.
  2.  Press the Up Arrow/Edit key to edit the displayed slide.
  3.  Press the Menu key to save your changes and exit the editing mode.

CountPlus Text Slides

Learn how to create, edit, and switch between text slides on the CountPlus distance measuring device.

CountPlus System Settings

Learn how to change the CountPlus system settings, including the time, date, reel and cable, and units of measurement.

Installing the CountPlus

Learn how to install the CountPlus counter accessory for SeeSnake Standard and Mini camera reels.

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