Cleaning a SeeSnake Standard or Mini Camera Reel

Read this article to learn how to clean the components on your RIDGID® SeeSnake® Standard or Mini camera reel.

Camera Head

Use a soft nylon brush, mild detergent, and rags to clean the camera.


Stir the spring in lukewarm water and a mild detergent to flush away debris.

Push Cable

Run a rag over the push cable as it goes back into the drum after each inspection to clean it and reduce debris accumulation.


For light cleaning, use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the drum. You can use a disinfectant if desired.

Before beginning a deeper cleaning, disconnect the system cable from the digital reporting monitor.


  1. Set the reel on its feet and and put the camera inside the drum.
  2. Fill the bottom of the drum with lukewarm water and a mild detergent. Do not fill the drum with water while the reel is on its back.
  3. Spin the drum to loosen debris and when finished, tip the drum opening down to empty the water.
  4. In a large area, pull the push cable completely out of the drum. Do not try to coil the push cable outside of the drum.
  5. Use a hose to clean the empty drum.
  6. Thoroughly dry the drum and run a rag over the push cable while you push it back into the drum.

Notice: high pressure water can damage the seals that protect the electronics inside the drum.

Clamshell Kickstand Instructions

Follow these instructions to learn how to set up your kickstand for the RIDGID® SeeSnake® microDrain™, microReel™, and nanoReel™ systems.

Pan and Zoom on CSx Monitors

Panning and Zooming is a helpful way to highlight areas of interest within the image displayed on a CSx device.

SeeSnake Pro

Introducing the new RIDGID SeeSnake Mini Pro, our smallest and most rugged self-leveling camera, equipped with TruSense® technology.

SeeSnake Tips & Tricks

Watch this video to learn tips and tricks on getting the most out of your SeeSnake camera reel during a pipe inspection.

Adding Inspector Information

How to save default inspector information to a RIDGID SeeSnake inspection monitor so you can quickly add it to reports.

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