SeeSnake CS1000 Support
The RIDGID® SeeSnake® CS1000 is designed to provide a convenient accessible portal for all your pipe inspection, recording, monitoring, and report generation needs. Use the CS1000 with SeeSnake camera reels to make a complete inspection system.
The CS1000 will help you organize your inspections by grouping all the associated still photos, videos, Autolog videos, text notes, job location information, and customer information into “Jobs.” Jobs give you a convenient way to transfer inspection data from the CS1000, and they form the basis for creating “Reports” in the CS1000. As you work with your CS1000, Jobs are automatically assembled from the information you collect during the inspection process, making organization easy to understand.
Your CS1000 is fully compatible with SeeSnake HQ Software. SeeSnake HQ quickly generates customized reports for your customer that can then be emailed, printed, burned onto DVD, or exported for viewing online. You can download the latest version of HQ for free here.
Ready for an upgrade? Learn about the CSx Wi-Fi enabled monitor series.

Support Topics
CS1000 FAQs
The SeeSnake CS1000 is an all-in-one tool that enables you to record and store video, images, operate the SeeSnake inspection camera, and generate multimedia reports customized for each individual job and customer quickly and easily.
- The CS1000 is designed to provide a convenient accessible portal for all your recording, monitoring, and report generation needs.
- Your CS1000 is fully compatible with SeeSnake HQ. SeeSnake HQ is software that you can use to quickly generate customized reports for your customer that can then be emailed, printed, burned onto DVD or exported for viewing online in a web browser.
To Record a Video
- Press the Video Key to start recording a video. Press the Microphone Mute Key to record video without audio. To stop the Video recording, press the Video Key one more time.
To Take a Photo
- To take a Photo press the Photo Key.
To Take a Photo and Add a Note
- Press the Photo Tag Key. This will take a photo and open up the Issue tag and Note screen where you enter your note using the CS1000 keyboard. When you are done, press the Select Key to save the note.
To Take a Photo and Add an Issue Tag
- The CS1000 has a built-in library of Issue Tags which can be attached to images to describe common conditions found during pipe inspections, such as cracks, root intrusions, collapsed pipes, etc. Notes and Issue Tags will appear, alongside the photos they describe, in reports you create for your customer.
- Press the Photo Tag Key. When the Issue Tag and Note screen appears, use the left arrow to navigate to the Add Issue Tag button and press the Select Key to open up the Issue Tag Library. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the issue tag you want and then the Select Key to choose it. Press the Select Key to save the Issue Tag with the photo and exit the screen.
To Record an Autolog Video
- Recording an Autolog Video is a great way to capture a highly compressed video of your entire inspection. An Autolog Video recording saves screen images at a lower frame rate than standard video, which results in a smaller file size. The smaller files make transferring and archiving your videos faster and easier. During an Autolog Video recording the audio will record continuously even at the reduced frame rate.
- Press the Autolog Key once to start recording an Autolog Video. Press the Autolog Key a second time to stop the recording. You can capture additional photos and/or higher-quality video clips while recording an Autolog Video in the background by pressing the Photo Key, Photo Tag Key or the Video Key.
There are a couple ways to add, edit, and delete a Job’s information:
- One way is by pressing the Job Manager Key and then using the arrow keys and the Select Key to navigate between and choose the five categories of Job information.
- The second way is by pressing the Job Review Key and navigating to the Report box at the top of the left column. Once the Report box is highlighted the various job data fields will appear as a long list in the right column. Use the arrow keys and keyboard to navigate around, add, and edit Job information.
Use the arrow keys to navigate up to the top of the left column to the Report box.
With Report highlighted press the right arrow once to add or edit job and customer information.
You can navigate through the various fields using the keypad arrow keys or with the arrow keys and TAB key on the keyboard.
You can preview what your report will look like for your customer by using the down arrow to navigate to Report Preview and pressing the Select Key.
You can also see a preview of what your customer report will look like by pressing the Job Manager Key and selecting Preview Report.
The CS1000 records MJPEG at approximately 15 FPS and MPEG4 at 20 FPS.
The CS1000 helps you organize your inspections by grouping all the associated still photos, videos, and Autolog videos as well as text notes, jobsite, and customer information into what is called a Job.
Jobs give you a convenient way to transfer inspection data from the CS1000, and they form the basis for creating Reports, both in the CS1000 and in the associated SeeSnake HQ software.
As you work with your CS1000, Jobs are automatically assembled from the information you collect during the inspection process making organization easy to understand and automatic.
When you have completed the inspection and added all the desired images, text comments and video clips needed, you can close the Job by pressing the Job Manager Key and selecting Close Job. All the data associated with the job will be saved in a Report.
The CS1000 has two export options: Customer Direct and HQ Compatible. A Customer Direct report gets put right on to a USB drive and handed to the customer, who can view it in their computer’s web browser. An HQ Compatible export packages all the information associated with a particular job so that it can be easily imported in SeeSnake HQ. From there you can burn DVDs, email media elements, edit photos, create video clips, and organize your inspections.
When you are ready to export a Job do the following:
- Close the Job.
- Insert an empty USB drive into one of the USB ports.
- Select Export Jobs from the Select USB Function menu.
To save the current inspection as a report to be delivered directly to a customer on a USB drive follow the first three steps then:
- Find the Job you want to deliver to your customer from the list of Jobs that appear in the Job Browser.
- Choose it by using the Select Key to toggle its selection box so its checkmark is on. Make sure to uncheck the boxes next to any Jobs you do not want to export.
- With the box checked next to the Job you want to export to your customer, use the left arrow to navigate to the Export Customer Direct icon and press the Select Key.
- The Job has successfully exported when the OK button has a blue outline. Press the Select Key to choose OK and continue.
- Next you will be asked if you want to recycle the Job you just copied. Press the Select Key to move the Job to your Recycle Bin. If you want the Jobs to remain in your Job Browser, use the right arrow to navigate to Cancel and then press the Select Key to choose it.
- Remove USB drive from the CS1000′s USB Port when done. Never remove external drive while exporting.
- Give the USB drive to your customer. They can insert the USB into their computer and double-click the file named report.html to open the inspection report in their default web browser. The media will be in AVI, MPEG4/MJPEG, and JPG formats, compatible with most devices.
To export a Job or Jobs for use with SeeSnake HQ, follow the first three steps under Export then:
- Find the Job or Jobs that you want to import into SeeSnake HQ from the list of Jobs that appear in the Job Browser .
- Choose the Job or Jobs by using the Select Key to toggle on its selection box checkmark. Make sure to uncheck the boxes next to any Jobs you do not want to export.
- With the boxes checked next to the Jobs you want to export, use the left arrow to navigate to the Export HQ Compatible icon and press the Select Key.
- The Job has successfully exported when the OK button has a blue outline. Press the Select Key to choose OK and continue.
- Next you will be asked if you want to recycle the Job you just copied. Press the Select Key to move the Job to your Recycle Bin. If you want the Jobs to remain in your Job Browser, use the right arrow to navigate to Cancel and then press the Select Key to choose it.
- Remove USB drive from the CS1000′s USB Port.
- Insert the USB into a computer with SeeSnake HQ installed.
You may sometimes want to do more than one inspection for the same job. For example, you may need to inspect a homeowner’s kitchen drain, basement drain, and roof vent to discover the cause of a problem. Dividing jobs into sessions will help you organize your workflow and reports.
To add a new session, press the Job Manager Key and select New Session from the list.
- Install the included HQ software on a PC/laptop and check for CS1000 updates in HQ by inserting a USB drive into the computer. If you do not have an HQ install disk, you can download it HERE.
- HQ may ask you to register for free the first time you start it. After doing so, you can add equipment to the HQ Equipment Locker and update the software for your devices.
- To update your device, click the updates button in the top left menu bar, then select your device, (You can also click on your CS1000 on the left in the Equipment Locker, and click the update button that appears on the right). You must be connected to the internet to update your device.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- Once downloaded, simply insert the USB drive into the CS1000, power it on and agree to install the update when it prompts you.
- If it doesn’t accept the update on the first try, try again by removing the USB thumb drive and plugging it back in. If your device is already up to date, nothing will happen.
- If you update your device software, HQ will show it as a pending update until you import new inspection jobs again from your device again.
If a yellow attention icon appears next to any of your equipment listed in the equipment locker, it indicates HQ recognizes that as a new or unregistered device. After you register your equipment, this icon will no longer appear.
The most common cause of this issue is a full disk on your CS1000. Verify that the system memory is low (you can see the remaining disk space at the bottom of your CS1000 screen).
If the disk space is low, be sure to back up any jobs you wish to keep then permanently delete as many jobs as you’d like to clear up necessary space.
To permanently delete jobs, you’ll need to delete them from the recycle bin. Then re-insert the USB drive to update.
- Press the Menu Key to access the Main Menu.
- Select the Edit System Settings Icon
- Select the Recycle Icon.
- Select the job you want to retrieve from the Recycle Bin and select the restore from recycle button in the top right.
- To delete the job permanently, select the Trash Icon.
The most common and reoccurring cause of corrupt data is due to improper shutdowns of the CS1000 system. Pulling the power cord out or yanking a battery will likely result in a corruption of the CS1000 file structure, which often results in corrupt data.
The CS1000 software has been updated to better handle copying of potentially corrupt data, but severely corrupted media cannot be saved.
Sometimes USB drives can create problems. You can try to use a different USB drive or format the drive with FAT32 formatting.
The Count IR is not fully compatible with the CS1000, as it was designed to work with the newer SeeSnake CountPlus. Although it can still be utilized, accessing the Menu through the hardware will result in the distorted screen effect.
The Count information coming directly from the camera system is there as a reference during your recording but does NOT save itself to the recorded media. In order to save Count information to recorded media, enable the CS1000 software overlay by navigating to the Menu, selecting Settings, and then Control Reel Overlay.
- When purchasing a new memory card for the CS1000, make sure it is an SD card in the SDHC format.
- Make sure the CS1000 power cord is not plugged in, there is no battery attached, and the power is off.
- Open the front cover/sun hood and locate the square memory card cover on the bottom of the keyboard (in the middle) with 4 Phillips head screws.
- Using a small Phillips head screwdriver, unscrew the memory card cover and remove it.
- The card is located on the right side of the square opening between the circuit board and the keyboard case.
- The memory card is spring loaded. To remove it, gently push the card towards the right and let go.
- You should hear a click and the card will release and move to the left a little.
- Grasp the edges of the card and pull all the way to the left until the card can be pulled out towards you.
- To put the card in, simply follow the instructions in reverse and make sure the memory card clicks into position (all the way to the right) and replace the memory card cover.
For further instructions, call SeeSnake Service/Repair at 858-244-6689.