SeeSnake CS65x Job and System Settings

This article describes how to edit job and system settings on the RIDGID® SeeSnake® CS65x Wi-Fi enabled monitor.

Job Settings

 Press the job manager key and select the Job Settings tab to adjust the CS65x’s job settings.

Adding Your Company Information

Under Company information, select Contact. Set Always in report to Yes to have your company information automatically entered in job reports.

Primary Storage Settings

You can set the system’s job storage preferences so that captured media saves to the internal SSD or an inserted USB drive by default. Scroll down to Primary job storage in the Job Settings tab  and cycle through SSD, USB 1, or USB 2.

Syncing Jobs

You can choose whether to automatically sync jobs to an inserted USB drive. Next to “Sync open job to available USB drives?” cycle between Always sync, Never sync, and Ask me. When Ask me is selected, you will be asked each time a new job is created if you want to sync the job or not.

If the open job is not synced to a USB drive at the beginning of the inspection, you can sync it later. Go to the USB drive you want to sync to in the Job Manager and select Start USB sync. A check mark  indicates that syncing is complete and you can safely remove the USB drive.

System Settings



Adjust volume, sound preferences, microphone default, photo key behavior default, and view your device’s name.


Bluetooth Options

Enable and disable Bluetooth.


Reel Options

Set when and how overlay details are displayed, measurement units, and default sonde settings.


Camera Settings

Enable automatic gain correction and adjust hue, brightness, contrast, and saturation.


Wireless Options

Enable and disable Wi-Fi.


LCD Settings

Adjust LCD display brightness and contrast.


Date/Time Options

Modify the date and time.


GPS Status

Enable and disable GPS.

Power Information

View power source.

Region Options

Change language and other locale specific settings.


View software and hardware version information and restore system settings.

Video Playback

Learn how to play back recorded videos on SeeSnake CSx monitors.

PhotoTalk Overview

How to capture PhotoTalk media on CSx Wi-Fi enabled monitors, the CS65, and the HQx Live mobile app.

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