SeeSnake Standard Pipe Inspection System Support
The RIDGID® SeeSnake® Standard Pipe Inspection System is a durable camera reel in the SeeSnake family of diagnostic systems.
The Standard reel is ideal for inspecting 50 to 300 mm [2 to 12 in] lines and comes with either a 61 m [200 ft] or 99 m [325 ft] push cable. Both cables are reinforced with fiberglass and flexible enough to travel through sharp 90° bends, yet stiff enough to push the camera head long distances. A self-leveling camera head is also available to keep the image upright.
The Standard reel works with any SeeSnake monitor to record and distribute inspections. Connect the Standard reel to one of the SeeSnake CSx TruSense capable inspection monitors for even greater flexibility on the job, letting you use a smartphone or tablet to stream uninterrupted, high-quality inspection video directly on the device.
The included CountPlus counter accessory measures how far the camera has traveled inside the pipe. The water-resistant keypad lets you control the CountPlus’ functions, which include day, date, time, distance, and preset or custom text overlays.