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SeeSnake Mini & Mini Pro Support

Mini Pro with TruSense®

TruSense Badge

The RIDGID® SeeSnake® Mini Pro with TruSense® technology is a versatile camera reel with our most rugged self-leveling camera yet.

The Mini Pro’s 25 mm camera includes the latest in self-leveling technology, which dynamically levels the horizon with no moving parts. The result is the most stable in-pipe viewing experience, allowing you to focus on what’s important. Its 61 m [200 ft] push cable is reinforced with fiberglass and flexible enough to travel through sharp 90° bends, yet stiff enough to push the camera head long distances.

Mini with TruSense®

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The RIDGID® See­Snake® Mini with TruSense™ technology is a portable camera reel in the SeeSnake family of diagnostic systems.

The Mini reel is ideal for inspecting 38 to 203 mm [1.5 to 8 in] lines and comes with a 61 m [200 ft] push cable. The cable is reinforced with fiberglass and flexible enough to travel through sharp 90° bends, yet stiff enough to push the camera head long distances. A self-leveling camera head is also available to keep the image upright.

Support Topics

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SeeSnake Pro

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SeeSnake Tips & Tricks

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Adding Inspector Information

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