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Quick Access Menus

Quick Access menus are shortcuts that let you perform common tasks quickly on SeeSnake® CS65x, CS65xr, CS6x, CS6xPak, CS6x Versa, or CS12x monitors.

There are two Quick Access menus. Press the left or right arrow key to open the desired menu. Then select the task you would like to perform.

 Press the Menu key to exit out of the Quick Access menus.

Left Menu 

  1. New Job
  2. Close Job
  3. Preview Job

Right Menu 

  • Image Flip

Clamshell Kickstand Instructions

Follow these instructions to learn how to set up your kickstand for the RIDGID® SeeSnake® microDrain™, microReel™, and nanoReel™ systems.

Introducing Digital Self-Leveling

Digital self-leveling is our latest advancement in pipe inspection technology. It offers the smoothest in-pipe leveling experience currently available in the industry.

Pan and Zoom on CSx Monitors

Panning and Zooming is a helpful way to highlight areas of interest within the image displayed on a CSx device.

RIDGID CA-350 Adapter Instructions

How to install the CA-350 Adapter for using the RIDGID micro CA-350 for the RIDGID SeeSnake microReel, microDrain, or nanoReel systems.

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